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Maintain Approval Workflow

Approval Workflow  is used to create and maintain workflows. Approval Workflow automates business processes by automatically forwarding requests to a predefined workflow.

  1. Leave Approval
  2. Performance Appraisal
  3. Time Approval
  4. Purchase Request and Purchase Order approval.

Approval Workflows are assigned to under

  1. User Maintenance
  2. User Workflow
  3. Time Setup
  4. Leave Code

Purchase Order Approval

  1. Workflow for request -- create --approve.
  2. Board Level (> 100k), CEO ( Upto 100K), GM ( Upto 50K), Manager IT (Up to 2K).
  3. IT Support User submits PO for $100.00. - Manager IT (Up to 2K) will approve which will be approved for purchase
  4. IT Support User submits PO for $10000.00 - Manager IT (Up to 2K) will approve then approval is required by the GM , GM approves it will be approved for purchase
  5. IT Support User submits PO for $60000.00 - Manager IT (Up to 2K) will approve then approval is required by the GM , GM approves, then approval is required by the CEO.
  6. IT Support User submits PO for $150000.00 - Manager IT (Up to 2K) will approve then approval is required by the GM , GM approves, then approval is required by the CEO. - Board

Steps to create a Approval Workflow:

  1. Enter the "Description" of the Workflow.
  2. "Display Order" determines the display order of the list where the workflow is used.
  3. Disabled will mark a record as deleted.
    1. Disabled records will not appear in any lookups.
    2. Edit the record and "Un-tick" disabled to activate a record.
  4. Expand into the details to add the approvers.
    1. Click on the "Green Plus Sign". This will open the "Edit Form".
    2. Select the "Approver User Name".
    3. Set the "Approver Limit" .
      1.  Limit is validated to verify levels of approvals. For example if the limit is set to 100 it indicates that an approver can approve purchase orders with amount up to $100.00.
      2. This gets the list of entries for approval.
    4. Set the "Sequence" for the approver.
      1. If not using "Chain Approval" An approver should have the default sequence as 0, always the final approver.
      2. Chain Approval set the sequence as 1.
      3. Sequence is used to determine the chain of approvals.
        1. For example, an employee applies for leave. The leave application is first approved by the supervisor then forwarded to the HR Officer for final approval. For this setup, the sequence for the supervisor will be 1 and 2 for the HR officer.
      4. Multiple managers can be on the same sequence so that any of them can approve.
  5. Disabled will mark a record as deleted.
  6. Add Notes and Attachments

Figure 1: Approval Workflow.